jueves, 4 de junio de 2020


2º de primaria

Hola chicos, esta es la última tarea del curso y es muy sencilla y cortita.

Tenéis que repasar el vocabulario de la lesson 1 Unidad 1, con un video animado que cuelgo en el blog y la canción de la unidad. No tenéis que enviarme nada, solo y si queréis un par de fichas interactivas de las que he puesto, que podéis hacerla luego en vacaciones para no olvidarnos de lo que hemos aprendido. Os deseo a vosotros y a vuestras familias un feliz verano🏖🏖😘😘🤗🤗

vídeo explicativo



Tea’s ready, tea’s ready! Come and have tea!

I’m in the garden! Come and have tea!

Where’s Anna? Tea’s ready – Where is she?

She’s in the bathroom. Come and have tea!

Where’s Grandpa? Tea’s ready – Where is he?

He’s in the hall. Come and have tea!

Where’s Dad? Tea’s ready – Where is he?

He’s in the kitchen. Come and have tea!

Where’s Mum? Tea’s ready – Where is she?

She’s in the bedroom. Come and have tea!

Where’s Uncle? Tea’s ready – Where is he?

He’s in the dining room. Come and have tea!

Where’s Aunty? Tea’s ready – Where is she?

She’s in the living room. Come and have tea!

Where’s Oscar? Tea’s ready. – Where is he?

I’m in the garage! It’s time for tea!

Tea’s ready, tea’s ready! Come and have tea!

Tea’s ready, tea’s ready! Come and have tea!

Tenéis que escuchar la canciones todos los días


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoSq-yZcJ-4 walking in the jungle actions

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhe7vQjQBxM&t=80s in, on under

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hft6uJQIF4g jump shout dance swing

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDHJW4r3elE wash your hands

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ir0Mc6Qilo I can

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-SWzpdcl6E toys


De las fichas interactivas (enviad al menos dos el que quiera)

https://es.liveworksheets.com/ij37345ss rooms

https://es.liveworksheets.com/tp18820nz rooms

https://es.liveworksheets.com/xj48596oq rooms

https://es.liveworksheets.com/tz34085jl rooms

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